In a first meeting with the Leadership today, we reviewed the Section A and B of the programme standards and practices.
At the authorization, we did very good in sections A and B and we had no recommendation from the IB for these (most of the recommendations were for section C), so with the previous coordinator (who is helping us as an evaluation advisor now), we first had a pre-meeting to identify what practices we will have to discuss and update with the leadership, so that the meeting with the Leadership doesn't take too much of their time and is as efficient as possible.
During the meeting with the Leadership, I first introduced the evaluation process while looking at the Guide to programme evaluation, Then we reviewed everyone one's role for the evaluation, again looking at the Guide to programme evaluation, and we quickly confirm the deadlines of the timeline I had prepared.
Then, we discussed about what practices the Leadership Team to work on and decided who will do what after the meeting.
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