The Role(s) of the Coordinator: Empowering Excellence
The biggest difference between being a PYP teacher and a PYP coordinator (PYPC) lies in the perspective we take. While teachers focus...
The Role(s) of the Coordinator: Empowering Excellence
From Round Table Planning to Full Integration: A Model for Collaboration
Creating Your First Programme of Inquiry (POI)
ChatGPT: How Can AI Support Unit Planning?
A New Approach to Planning a Unit of Inquiry in PYP Early-Years: A Guide for New Coordinators
Assessing Assessment: A Closer Look at the Assessment Policy
Making collaboration happen in the early years
From Zero to PYP Hero: A Beginner's Guide for New Coordinators
Evaluation - Reflecting on the Remote visit (Evaluation 2021)
Standard C1 Meeting (Evaluation 2021)
First meeting with teaching staff (Evaluation 2021)
First Meeting with the Leadership (Evaluation 2021)
Introduction Meeting (Evaluation 2021)
A New Journey (PYP Evaluation 2021)